The great majority of presentations will be recorded.
Video content will be made available in archived form for CMN members to revisit on the CMN website after the event.
CMN will send each registered attendee an access code a couple days prior to the event start date. Non-member attendees will receive a different access code than CMN members.
Click on the CMN Event page menu to see the event schedule.
Yes, non-members can register for CMN MOMENTUM 2020 ONLINE for $75. Non-member guests will experience conference sessions, but do not get shopping privileges in the NEW CMN Marketplace.
If your membership expires prior to the date of the event, you’ll need to renew.
Yes, free access to the conference presentations and to wholesale shopping in the CMN Marketplace is available to CMN members at all levels of membership.
Yes. Each leader of a CMN membership “bundle” can register 4 additional free guests who are affiliated with your organization. This includes nonprofit volunteers.
The CMN virtual exhibit hall is an event-based dedicated landing page that will feature our Exclusive Event Sponsors, Premiere and Featured Exhibitors and all CMN C-Level Corporate/Supplier members. Rather than strolling through an in-person expo hall, attendees can scroll through the virtual exhibit hall, view videos and make connections.
Attendees will link seamlessly from the exhibitor’s virtual space to their page in the CMN Marketplace to see, and shop wholesale for products, publications, or services.
Exclusive event sponsors of MOMENTUM 2020 ONLINE receive exposure in our Schedule, Event Marketing, Homepage, Spotlight, Showcase, and Marketplace Banner, plus recognition by the event MC. These exhibitors receive first tier placement in Virtual Exhibit Hall. This level gets unlimited product placements in the CMN Marketplace.
Premiere exhibitors receive a larger-size logo and thumbnail of a 5 minute video. They are displayed in the second tier of the virtual exhibit hall. This level gets to place up to 50 products in the CMN Marketplace.
Feature exhibitors receive a mid-size logo and a thumbnail of a 2 minute video. They are displayed in the third tier of virtual exhibit hall. This level gets to place upto 25 products in the CMN Marketplace.
There are three steps. 1) Make your exhibit plans and submit your exhibit order to 2) If you are a Feature, Premiere, or Exclusive Sponsor exhibitor, get your 2 or 5 minute video ready and sent to 3) Place your product or service listings in the CMN Marketplace. Login at and get ready for your brand to shine without spending time and travel expenses for a live venue.
No. this service CMN is offering to its members is available 24/7 anytime during and after the event.
The CMN Marketplace is viewable to the general public as a marketing service for our members, but only CMN Members can access this wholesale shopping experience through the CMN site.
Active CMN members of any level will select what they want to purchase from the vendor they choose and generate a purchase order for products, or a service service order for services.
Since this is a wholesale shopping portal, buyers can choose either wholesale pricing for resale, or bulk pricing for large orders for events or special needs. CMN Members participating in the CMN Marketplace set their own pricing.