Discover CMN
Where our members maximize the impact of their mission!
CMN MISSION: Catholic Marketing Network provides the virtual platform and in-person experiences that empower Catholic individuals and organizations to maximize the impact of their mission.
Energize the success of your good work through:
- Our Member Network & Online Platform
- Our Conference & Trade Show Events
- Our Advertising & Marketing Opportunities
CMN VISION: To be the "Catholic Marketplace" of ideas, innovation, faith formation and evangelization - where ministry and business come together.
CMN HISTORY: For nearly 30 years, Catholic Marketing Network has helped Catholic organizations build momentum for their business or ministry. We foster financial sustainability in each organization as our members engage in the process of selling and distributing products, publications, and services. CMN makes it simple for product creators and service providers to get discovered, for Catholic retailers to stock their stores, and for Catholic parishes, shrines, schools, apostolates and nonprofits to generate revenue in new ways.
- Are you a Catholic business, or a business that serves Catholics? You belong in the CMN.
- Are you a Catholic retailer, author, apostolate, ministry, or nonprofit? You belong in the CMN.
- Are you a Catholic shrine, church, school, or religious community? You belong in the CMN.
- Are you a Catholic publisher, product supplier, or service provider? You belong in the CMN.
CMN Members participate in an array of benefits.
Business & Nonprofit Organizational Development:

- CMN MOMENTUM Trade Show & Conference : This event is packed with new product and service experiences, where powerful networking cultivates growth and success for member organizations. These events are valuable face-to-face and in-person experiences..
- MOMENTUM Event Business & Ministry Conference Presentations : Powerful conference presentations that help you apply best practices in your good work for God. MOMENTUM Event attendance is FREE for every CMN member, including all the Business & Ministry Seminars.
- CMN MARKETPLACE : This members-only wholesale shopping portal makes it simple for publishers and product suppliers to connect with retailers and distributors seeking items for resale, and with nonprofit leaders and volunteers seeking bulk order items for fundraising sales and gifts. This portal also connects ministry-minded Catholics with service providers to help them in their good work.
- Marketplace News: Subscription to the bi-monthly CMN electronic newsletter which provides timely and trusted articles with important information to help your business or ministry to flourish.
Marketing & Advertising:
- CMN Directory provides exposure for organizations to be discovered by other CMN members, and by the general public.
- CMN Member Locator provides connectivity to help consumers "shop local" and members connect locally to partner on projects or to plan events.
- CMN Paid Advertising offers both printed and electronic options including Seasonal Catalog Magazines , Annual MOMENTUM Event Schedule/Program, MOMENTUM Event Sponsorships, Bi-monthly CMN E-Newsletter advertising, Member FOCUS e-blasts, website ads, and more.
Valuable Incentives & Discounts from CMN Partners:
- Cornerstone Payment Systems: ethical cost-saving payment processing
- Catholic AdNet: Affordable online advertising across a wide array of platforms
- Office Max/Office Depot: Discounts on office supplies and printing
- Constant Contact: Discounted access to a powerful email management system