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Address: 518 Washington Street

North Easton, Massachusetts 02356

CatholicMom.com, all about Faith, Family, and Fun from a Catholic perspective, is now part of the ministry founded by sainthood candidate Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., well-known for his famous slogan, ?The family that prays together stays together.?

Franciscan Mom

Living as a Secular Franciscan wife and mom. I?m editor at CatholicMom.com, managing editor Today?s Catholic Teacher magazine, and a member of the Catholic Writers Guild. I?m also a homemaker, freelance writer/editor, reader of cookbooks, and (very) amateur musician.

Scepter Publishers, Inc.

Address: PO Box 360694

Strongsville, Ohio 44149

Seek Christ. Find Christ. Love Christ.

Secretum Meum Mihi Press

Publisher of the newsletter, "My Secret is Mine," and spirituality books for Catholic women.