About us

The Pelican Project

At The Pelican Project, our mission is to joyfully reawaken a culture of life by supporting parents in the holy work of teaching their children about the sanctity of human life. As our teacher and mother, the Holy Catholic Church guides and informs our work because it is within her that we are nourished by Christ's LIFE and truth. 

Our material is designed to plant seeds within the hearts of your children; over time, those seeds will grow deep, confident roots, and evil's lies will have no room to grow. The prayer for our ministry is that together, we raise children who so deeply feel seen, known, and loved by God that they confidently enter into the world ready to proclaim and protect the truth of life's precious worth in all they do.

Contact Us

The Pelican Project

P.O. Box 111
Waverly Hall, GA, 31831