As a proud sponsor of the Catholic Family Conference, Catholic Marketing Network invites you to become a member of our network. We help ministry-minded Catholics to connect in order to maximize the success of everyone involved.
- Are you a Catholic business, or a business that serves Catholics? You belong in the CMN.
- Are you a Catholic publisher, product creator, retailer or service provider? You belong in the CMN.
- Are you a Catholic apostolate, ministry or nonprofit needing to fundraise? You belong in the CMN.
- Do you help lead a Catholic Shrine, Church, school or religious community? You belong in the CMN.
CMN Members participate in an array of benefits.
Business & Organizational Development:
- MOMENTUM Trade Show & Conference : The international event that’s packed with new product and service experiences, where powerful networking cultivates growth and success for member organizations. Typically, these events are face-to-face and in person. **MOMENTUM 2020 in July this year will be an on-line virtual experience.
- MOMENTUM Event Business & Ministry Seminar : Powerful conference presentations that help you apply best practices in your good work for God. (MOMENTUM Event attendance is FREE for every CMN member, including all the Business & Ministry Seminars.)
- CMN Groups: The NEW* social networking space for CMN members to connect, network and build the synergy that fuels everyone’s success.
- Marketplace News : Subscription to the bi-monthly CMN electronic newsletter which provides timely and trusted articles with important information to help your business or ministry to flourish.
Marketing & Advertising:
- CMN Directory provides exposure for organizations to be discovered by other CMN members, and by the general public.
- CMN Member Locator provides connectivity to help consumers to “shop local” and for members to connect locally to partner on projects or to plan events.
- CMN Paid Advertising offers both printed and electronic options including Seasonal Catalog Magazines , Annual MOMENTUM Event Programs, MOMENTUM Event Sponsorships, Bi-monthly CMN E-Newsletter advertising, Member FOCUS e-blasts, website ads, and more.
Valuable Incentives & Discounts from CMN Partners:
- Cornerstone Payment Systems: ethical cost-saving payment processing
- Catholic AdNet: Affordable online advertising across a wide array of platforms
- Office Max/Office Depot: Discounts on office supplies and printing
- Constant Contact: Discounted access to a powerful email management system
CMN Video Channel:
Visit the new Catholic Marketing Network Youtube Channel to quickly get a sense of the value of CMN membership benefits and experiences.