CMN Business and Ministry Solutions
The Power of the CMN Member Locator
In 2019, Catholic Marketing Network updated its online locator system to include all CMN member organizations. This way, CMN still encourages everyone to “shop local” and patronize local Catholic businesses. The CMN Member Locator can be everyone’s happy place to find Catholic resources in their local area! However, the new locator has broader value as well.
The extra advantage to the new system is that it provides an instant way for local Catholic organizations to team up for planning events. It’s powerful when a Catholic author, ministry or service provider can team up with a Catholic retailer to offer parishes a valuable experience in which coordinating the speaker and post-event shopping logistics require less work on the part of parish leaders. The CMN Locator can be a powerful tool for you to build solidarity between your business or ministry and other Catholic individuals and groups in your area.