N – Level Individual & Retailer Membership
Retail & Individual N- Level Members strive to effectively create, distribute, and promote Catholic content including literature, information, art, music, gifts, decor, sacramentals, services, and more. These are Catholic creatives, small businesses, store owners, shrines, and others who answer the call to be missionary disciples in the Catholic marketplace.
Join Us
N – Level membership benefits include:

Convenient Wholesale Shopping
- Tradeshow-style wholesale shopping access in the CMN Marketplace
- Easily discover new brands or specific products
- Simple purchase orders that connect directly to the vendor
- Available any day, anytime, anywhere
*These professional discounts are available to, and appreciated by, CMN Members at every membership level!
Marketing & Advertising
Electronic Options
- CMN Marketplace Sales & Marketing: N-Level members can choose to be featured in the “Places to Go” Marketplace Category, and can include 1 item to sell in the CMN Marketplace.
- This product placement can include:
- Photo
- Description
- Video link
- Easy-to-use dashboard to update
- Purchase order shopping or referral links
- No additional referral fees
- CMN Directory - FREE for CMN members ($95 value) Easily searchable CMN Member Directory with detailed information and links. Provides exposure for small and medium-sized organizations side-by-side with larger organizations. Provides a great way for all CMN members to discover great new products and services. Easily connect with Catholic suppliers, sources and organizations.
- Directory Listing includes:
- Contact information
- Website link
- Video link
- Address
- Business or ministry description
- CMN Member Locator - FREE for CMN members.
- Simple zip code-based mapping tool that helps customers and clients support local businesses and ministries
- Facilitates strategic collaboration between CMN members within a city or region
- Encourages the planning of co-hosted events by member stores, authors, and other organizations
- Free access to morning & evening networking and social experiences at CMN MOMENTUM Events
- Two free admissions to network and shop wholesale in the MOMENTUM Event Expo Hall ($150 value)
- Opportunities for prayer, fellowship, and fun, during this annual reunion of CMN member businesses, families and friends
Organizational Growth & Development
- Personal Invitation to CMN Connect Webinars
- Free Access to the Business & Ministry Conference Seminars at MOMENTUM Events
Professional Discounts
- Office Depot/Office Max Discount Program - CMN members receive substantive discounts on both office supplies and printing services.
- Constant Contact Discount Program - CMN members receive discounted access to one of the premiere email marketing platforms. Constant Contact offers simple templates to strategically manage customer and constituent communications.
- Cornerstone Payment Systems - CMN N-Level Members who choose to save money and support Catholic values by using Cornerstone for payment processing, get their annual CMN membership reimbursed ENTIRELY ($75) by Cornerstone.
- Catholic AdNet - CMN members receive a special discount on their first digital advertising campaign using Catholic AdNet’s simple and economical service. This service enables you to strategically target online ads to customers in your local area!
Plus, Every CMN Member Receives
- Personalized customer service. Our talented staff is always ready to help you maximize the impact of your ministry.
- Access to the use of CMN Decal and Logo (print and electronic versions available) We encourage all CMN members to ask us about adding a CMN Member Logo on the footer of their own homepage (linked to their CMN Directory page) to build visitor confidence, seeing that you are associated with a well-respected organization like CMN.